Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Research - Qualitative Methods - Developing a Qualitative Orientation Paper

- Qualitative Methods - Developing a Qualitative Orientation - Research Paper Example Those who could not afford it turned to crime as a way of surviving. Theft and murder were some of the crimes initially done as a way of acquiring these basic needs which were quickly becoming luxuries to the poor and unemployed. Other kinds of crimes emerged thereafter. It is difficult to find out the organization of people involved in crime since this would require me to interact with criminals on a personal basis who may find it difficult to trust me. This may also lead to the suspicion of me being a police officer which may make things for me even more complicated (Strauss & Corbin, 2008). The focus of my inquiry is to try and establish comprehension of the genesis of misdeed and possible ways of solving it. This understanding of the origin should help in a great way to establish a working solution. As per my understanding the origin of crime is not mostly due to industrialization as due to personalization of lifestyles. If people became more responsible towards each other’s wellbeingthen there would be a great reduction in crime rates. The locus of my study is what people think about crime and the areas whereby crime is most prevalent. The areas that are most prone to crime are towns whereby everybody is his/her own self. Most people hate crime.Even the majority of criminals are forced by circumstance to use it for survival (Glaser & Strauss, 1967). Crime is a creation of development which is quickly becoming a drawback to further development. In one hand crime has an almost complete negative reception whereas on the other hand it is not entirely easy to do away with. In conclusion it is a problem facing many who would rather have it solved and at the same time the solution is not as easy as the will to come to it. This is because doing away with crime entirely would mean that people go back to the days of communal wealth but this would bring development to a halt. In

Monday, October 28, 2019

Time pressure on ambulance drivers Essay Example for Free

Time pressure on ambulance drivers Essay Ambulance drivers are required to make decisions on which route to follow under time constraints because every second is counted to save a life. Timmons, 2007 indicated that â€Å"Decision makers are susceptible to cognitive biases when operating under stress, i. e. , high workload, time pressure, and information ambiguity†, pp4. A cognitive bias is defined by Haselton et al. (2005) as the tendency to search for information and alternatives that prove their preconceptions and to discount information that disproves their preconceptions. Kowalski-Trakofler et al. (2003) carried a study to discuss human judgement and decision making under stress. The authors selected recent literatures and carried out a field work to discuss the affect of stress on emergency responders. They examined coping with stress under time constrains on expert emergency teams. It was concluded from this research that â€Å"stress restricts cue sampling, decreases vigilance, reduces the capacity of working memory, causes premature closure in evaluating alternative options, and results in task shedding†, ( Kowalski-Trakofler et al. 2003, p282). They have mentioned a study that identifies emergency decision makers’ behaviours under stress. This study concluded that these people under stress â€Å"not only have the effects of their own stress response and its resulting consequences, the information they must base their judgments on is often unclear, faulty and incomplete†, p. 283. The over all conclusion of this study was that the stress under time pressure narrows the decision maker focus whether working individually or in groups Impact of traffic congestion on response time: 2. 7 Shortest path algorithm Shortest paths’ calculations are unavoidable in road network analysis applications including emergency medical services such as ambulance navigation systems, (Liang, 2005). The shortest path (or minimum weight path) is defined as calculating the least total distance weight or least time weight paths between two locations (Derekenaris et al. , 2000). The quickness of calculating the shortest route for EMS is essential to reduce the respond time needed to route the ambulance vehicles from the dispatch location to the incident scenes (Liang, 2005). Liang pointed out that the problem arises when finding the shortest routes in big urban cities which contain huge road networks that are associated with massive amount of real world roads information(such as traffic information, name of roads, etc) and associated with the available capabilities of the hardware for example the amount of memory used to run this algorithm. Engineer (2001) considered two systems that controls and calculate the shortest routes in EMS. First, a centralised system which runs by ambulance control centre personnel, while the other system is called decentralised system in which the shortest path is calculated on board of the vehicles and this system is usually have limited memory and storage capabilities. He mentioned that an optimal algorithm to find the shortest path in less time is essential especially for decartelised system Zhan and Noon (1998) distinguished three types of shortest path algorithms which are single pair, single source and all pairs shortest paths algorithms. Single pair calculates the shortest path between two points in a network, while single source algorithm calculates the shortest path from a point to all other points in a network and finally the all pairs algorithm calculates the shortest path between every pair of points. Borri Cera (2005) explained single pair shortest path algorithm by assigning a first point and second one on a road network. It is possible to calculate the shortest distance between these points by minimising the value of distance linked with each point on the network (also known as impedance) taking into consideration that the a distance variable is associated with each point on the network. They also pointed out that the shortest path can be calculated according to different variable rather than distance one, such as â€Å"time or monetary cost†, pp 954. There are many algorithms for solving shortest paths which have been formulated over the years as a result of different research studies in different fields such as geography, computer sciences and transportations (Goldberg Radzik, 1993). However, there are three main used algorithms, which are Dijkstras algorithm, Restricted Search Algorithm and A* Search algorithm. ArcView Network Analyst extension uses a modified Dijkstar’s algorithm that does not only finds the shortest path from one point not another but also it was built to facilitate quick access to the topology of the network data (ESRI help, 1992). In addition, the modification includes a custom memory to manage and deal with very large networks.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Fate Essay example -- essays research papers

FATE Fate. Fate is what controls our lives...or so some people think. Now what is the actual definition of Fate? The supposed force, principle, or power that predetermines events; the inevitable events predestined by this force. Now look at the word supposed. We don't even know if Fate exsists. If it does, why does it have to be predestined or predetermined? PRE is a prefix that means before. Now Fate happens based on something before? I thought it happened then and there not before. Some people believe a certian "god" or a selected individual controls their lives. This weekend I had a discussion with my two good friends Elliot and Adam. We started talking about religion and God. Now in the world today, many people dont believe in God. I suppose you can say I am one of those people. I have only been to church maybe twice in my life. That doesnt make me a bad person nor does it make my parents bad people. I am not decided on wether or not I believe in God. If "HE" does exist, does he control Fate? Do the potato chips I am currently eating control Fate? Are my parents controlling MY Fate by telling me what I can and cannot do? I am stuck between this. People say Fate brings us together and it may also control our lives. How is this so? How can one little thing called Fate control our lives? How can Fate be responsible for the decisions we make? Is fate an actual thing, or is it just a figment of our imagination? Possibly, Fate...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Marketing Enviroment Essay

There are two(2) main elements in marketing environment which is microenvironment and macroenvironment. Microenvironment is the actor close to the company that affect its ability to serve its customers the company, suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customer markets, competitors, and publics. For the first one we start with the company. In designing marketing plans, marketing management takes other company groups into accounts, group such as top management. All of these interrelated groups form the internal environment. Other departments have an impact on the marketing department plans and actions. Next is the suppliers. Supplier also plays an important roles in marketing environment because supplier will form an important link in the company overall customer value delivery system. Supplier also will provide the resources that are needed by the company to produce its products or services. If the supplier face any problem , this will seriously affect the marketing. Next is marketing intermediaries. Marketing intermediaries actually help the company to promote, sell, and distribute its goods to final buyers or can be said easily as firms that help the company to promote, sell, and distribute its goods to final buyers. After that is competitors. Competitors will affects the marketing environment because when there are many competitors in the market, the company will always upgrade or improve their product or services to make sure that their products or services are the best one. For publics, public is any group that has an actual or potential interest in or impact on an organizations ability to achieve its objective. There are seven types of publics that can affect the marketing environment which is financial publics, media publics, government publics, citizen-action publics, local publics, general publics, and internal publics. And finally is the customers. Customers is the important actors in the companys microenvironment. The aim of the entire value delivery system is to serve target customers and create strong relationships with the cutomers. For the second element which is the macroenvironment. Macroenvironment consist of he actors that operate in a larger macroenvironment of forces that shape opportunities and pose threats to the company. Macroenvironment consist of demographic, economic, natural, technologies, political, and cultural. Demographic is the study of human populations in terms of size, density, location, age, gender, race, occupations, and other statistics. Any changes in world demographic environment have ajor affects for business. Next is economic. Economic environment is the factors that affect consumer buying power and spending pattern. Marketers must pay close attention to major trends and consumer spending patterns both across and within their world markets. Natural environment is a natural resources that are needed as inputs by marketers or that are affected by marketing activities. Marketers should be aware of several trends in the natural environment. The first involves groeing shortages of raw materials. Next technological environment, technological is forces that create new technologies, creating new product and market opportunities. Technology has released such wonders as antibiotics, robotic surgery, miniaturized electronics and many more. For political environment, political consist of laws, government agencies, and pressure groups that influence and limit various organizations and individuals in a given society. Even the most liberal advocates of free-market economies agree that the system works best with at least some reegulation. Lastly cultural environment. The cultural environment is made up of institutions and other forces that affect a society basis value, perceptions, preferences, and behavior. People grow up in a different society that shape their basic beliefs and values.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Frostbite Chapter 5

Five I HAD NO IDEA WHAT Dimitri was talking about, but I followed along obediently. To my surprise, he led me out of the boundaries of the campus and into the surrounding woods. The Academy owned a lot of land, not all of which was actively used for educational purposes. We were in a remote part of Montana, and at times, it seemed as though the school was just barely holding back the wilderness. We walked quietly for a while, our feet crunching through thick, unbroken snow. A few birds flitted by, singing their greetings to the rising sun, but mostly all I saw were scraggly, snow-heavy evergreen trees. I had to work to keep up with Dimitri's longer stride, particularly since the snow slowed me down a little. Soon, I discerned a large, dark shape ahead. Some kind of building. â€Å"What is that?† I asked. Before he could answer, I realized it was a small cabin, made out of logs and everything. Closer examination showed that the logs looked worn and rotten in some places. The roof sagged a little. â€Å"Old watch-post,† he said. â€Å"Guardians used to live on the edge of campus and keep watch for Strigoi.† â€Å"Why don't they anymore?† â€Å"We don't have enough guardians to staff it. Besides, Moroi have warded campus with enough protective magic that most don't think it's necessary to have actual people on guard.† Provided no humans staked the wards, I thought. For a few brief moments, I entertained the hope that Dimitri was leading me off to some romantic getaway. Then I heard voices on the opposite side of the building. A familiar hum of feeling coursed into my mind. Lissa was there. Dimitri and I rounded the corner of the building, coming up on a surprising scene. A small frozen pond lay there, and Christian and Lissa were ice skating on it. A woman I didn't know was with them, but her back was to me. All I could see was a wave of jet-black hair that arced around her when she skated to a graceful stop. Lissa grinned when she saw me. â€Å"Rose!† Christian glanced over at me as she spoke, and I got the distinct impression he felt I was intruding on their romantic moment. Lissa moved in awkward strides to the pond's edge. She wasn't so adept at skating. I could only stare in bewildermentand jealousy. â€Å"Thanks for inviting me to the party.† â€Å"I figured you were busy,† she said. â€Å"And this is secret anyway. We aren't supposed to be here.† I could have told them that. Christian skated up beside her, and the strange woman soon followed. â€Å"You bringing party crashers, Dimka?† she asked. I wondered who she was talking to, until I heard Dimitri laugh. He didn't do it that often, and my surprise increased. â€Å"It's impossible to keep Rose away from places she shouldn't be. She always finds them eventually.† The woman grinned and turned around, flipping her long hair over one shoulder, so that I suddenly saw her face full-on. It took every ounce of my already dubiously held self-control not to react. Her heart-shaped face had large eyes exactly the same shade as Christian's, a pale wintry blue. The lips that smiled at me were delicate and lovely, glossed in a shade of pink that set off the rest of her features. But across her left cheek, marring what would have otherwise been smooth, white skin were raised, purplish scars. Their shape and formation looked very much like someone had bitten into and torn out part of her cheek. Which, I realized, was exactly what had happened. I swallowed. I suddenly knew who this was. It was Christian's aunt. When his parents had turned Strigoi, they'd come back for him, hoping to hide him away and turn him Strigoi when he was older. I didn't know all the details, but I knew his aunt had fended them off. As I'd observed before, though, Strigoi were deadly. She'd provided enough of a distraction until the guardians showed up, but she hadn't walked away without damage. She extended her gloved hand to me. â€Å"Tasha Ozera,† she said. â€Å"I've heard a lot about you, Rose.† I gave Christian a dangerous look, and Tasha laughed. â€Å"Don't worry,† she said. â€Å"It was all good.† â€Å"No, it wasn't,† he countered. She shook her head in exasperation. â€Å"Honestly, I don't know where he got such horrible social skills. He didn't learn them from me.† That was obvious, I thought. â€Å"What are you guys doing out here?† I asked. â€Å"I wanted to spend some time with these two.† A small frown wrinkled her forehead. â€Å"But I don't really like hanging around the school itself. They aren't always hospitable†¦.† I didn't get that at first. School officials usually fell all over themselves when royals came to visit. Then I figured it out. â€Å"Because †¦ because of what happened †¦Ã¢â‚¬  Considering the way everyone treated Christian because of his parents, I shouldn't have been surprised to find his aunt facing the same discrimination. Tasha shrugged. â€Å"That's the way it is.† She rubbed her hands together and exhaled, her breath making a frosty cloud in the air. â€Å"But let's not stand out here, not when we can build a fire inside.† I gave a last, wistful glance at the frozen pond and then followed the others inside. The cabin was pretty bare, covered in layers of dust and dirt. It consisted of only one room. There was a narrow bed with no covers in the corner and a few shelves where food had probably once been stored. There was a fireplace, however, and we soon had a blaze going that warmed the small area. The five of us sat down, huddling around its heat, and Tasha produced a bag of marshmallows that we cooked over the flames. As we feasted on that gooey goodness, Lissa and Christian talked to each other in that easy, comfortable way they always had. To my surprise, Tasha and Dimitri also talked in a familiar and light way. They obviously knew each other from way back when. I'd actually never seen him so animated before. Even when affectionate with me, there'd always been a serious air about him. With Tasha, he bantered and laughed. The more I listened to her, the more I liked her. Finally, unable to stay out of the conversation, I asked, â€Å"So are you coming on the ski trip?† She nodded. Stifling a yawn, she stretched herself out like a cat. â€Å"I haven't been skiing in ages. No time. Been saving all my vacation for this.† â€Å"Vacation?† I gave her a curious look. â€Å"Do you have†¦a job?† â€Å"Sadly, yes,† Tasha said, though she didn't actually sound very sad about it. â€Å"I teach martial arts classes.† I stared in astonishment. I couldn't have been more surprised if she'd said she was an astronaut or a telephone psychic. A lot of royals just didn't work at all, and if they did, it was usually in some sort of investment or other moneymaking business that furthered their family fortunes. And those who did work certainly didn't do a lot of martial arts or physically demanding jobs. Moroi had a lot of great attributes: exceptional sensessmell, sight, and hearingand the power to work magic. But physically, they were tall and slender, often small-boned. They also got weak from being in sunlight. Now, those things weren't enough to prevent someone from becoming a fighter, but they did make it more challenging. An idea had built up among the Moroi over time that their best offense was a good defense, and most shied away from the thought of physical conflict. They hid in well-protected places like the Academy, always relying on stronger, hardier dhampirs to guard them. â€Å"What do you think, Rose?† Christian seemed highly amused by my surprise. â€Å"Think you could take her?† â€Å"Hard to say,† I said. Tasha crooked me a grin. â€Å"You're being modest. I've seen what you guys can do. This is just a hobby I picked up.† Dimitri chuckled. â€Å"Now you're being modest. You could teach half the classes around here.† â€Å"Not likely,† she said. â€Å"It'd be pretty embarrassing to be beaten up by a bunch of teenagers.† â€Å"I don't think that'd happen,† he said. â€Å"I seem to remember you doing some damage to Neil Szelsky.† Tasha rolled her eyes. â€Å"Throwing my drink in his face wasn't actually damageunless you consider the damage it did to his suit. And we all know how he is about his clothes.† They both laughed at some private joke the rest of us weren't in on, but I was only half-listening. I was still intrigued about her role with the Strigoi. The self-control I'd tried to maintain finally slipped. â€Å"Did you start learning to fight before or after that happened to your face?† â€Å"Rose!† hissed Lissa. But Tasha didn't seem upset. Neither did Christian, and he usually grew uncomfortable when the attack with his parents was brought up. She regarded me with a level, thoughtful look. It reminded me of the one I sometimes got from Dimitri if I did something surprising that he approved of. â€Å"After,† she said. She didn't lower her gaze or look embarrassed, though I sensed sadness in her. â€Å"How much do you know?† I glanced at Christian. â€Å"The basics.† She nodded. â€Å"I knew †¦ I knew what Lucas and Moira had become, but that still didn't prepare me. Mentally, physically, or emotionally. I think if I had to live through it again, I still wouldn't be ready. But after that night, I looked at myself figurativelyand realized how defenseless I was. I'd spent my whole life expecting guardians to protect me and take care of me. â€Å"And that's not to say the guardians aren't capable. Like I said, you could probably take me in a fight. But theyLucas and Moiracut down our two guardians before we realized what had happened. I stalled them from taking Christian but just barely. If the others hadn't shown up, I'd be dead, and he'd† She stopped, frowned, and kept going. â€Å"I decided that I didn't want to die that way, not without putting up a real fight and doing everything I could to protect myself and those I love. So I learned all sorts of self-defense. And after a while, I didn't really, uh, fit in so well with high society around here. So I moved to Minneapolis and made a living from teaching others.† I didn't doubt there were other Moroi living in Minneapolisthough God only knew whybut I could read between the lines. She'd moved there and integrated herself with humans, keeping away from other vampires like Lissa and I had for two years. I started to wonder also if there might have been something else there between the lines. She'd said she'd learned â€Å"all sorts of self-defense†apparently, more than just martial arts. Going along with their offense-defense beliefs, the Moroi didn't think magic should be used as a weapon. Long ago, it had been used that way, and some Moroi still secretly did today. Christian, I knew, was one of them. I suddenly had a good idea of where he might have picked up that kind of thing. Silence fell. It was hard to follow up a sad story like that. But Tasha, I realized, was one of those people who could always lighten a mood. It made me like her even more, and she spent the rest of the time telling us funny stories. She didn't put on airs like a lot of royals did, so she had lots of dirt on everyone. Dimitri knew a lot of the people she spoke of honestly, how did someone so antisocial seem to know everyone in Moroi and guardian societyand would occasionally add some small detail. They had us in hysterics until Tasha finally looked at her watch. â€Å"Where's the best place a girl can go shopping around here?† she asked. Lissa and I exchanged looks. â€Å"Missoula,† we said in unison. Tasha sighed. â€Å"That's a couple hours away, but if I leave soon, I can probably still get in some time before the stores close. I'm hopelessly behind in Christmas shopping.† I groaned. â€Å"I'd kill to go shopping.† â€Å"Me too,† said Lissa. â€Å"Maybe we could sneak along†¦.† I gave Dimitri a hopeful look. â€Å"No,† he said immediately. I gave a sigh of my own. Tasha yawned again. â€Å"I'll have to grab some coffee, so I don't sleep on the drive in.† â€Å"Can't one of your guardians drive for you?† She shook her head. â€Å"I don't have any.† â€Å"Don't have any †¦Ã¢â‚¬  I frowned, parsing her words. â€Å"You don't have any guardians?† â€Å"Nope.† I shot up. â€Å"But that's not possible! You're royal. You should have at least one. Two, really.† Guardians were distributed among Moroi in a cryptic, micromanaged way by the Guardian Council. It was kind of an unfair system, considering the ratio of guardians to Moroi. Non-royals tended to get them by a lottery system. Royals always got them. High-ranking royals often got more than one, but even the lowest-ranking member of royalty wouldn't have been without one. â€Å"The Ozeras aren't exactly first in line when guardians get assigned,† said Christian bitterly. â€Å"Ever since†¦my parents died†¦there's kind of been a shortage.† My anger flared up. â€Å"But that's not fair. They can't punish you for what your parents did.† â€Å"It's not punishment, Rose.† Tasha didn't seem nearly as enraged as she should have been, in my opinion. â€Å"It's just†¦a rearranging of priorities.† â€Å"They're leaving you defenseless. You can't go out there by yourself!† â€Å"I'm not defenseless, Rose. I've told you that. And if I really wanted a guardian, I could make a nuisance of myself, but it's a lot of hassle. I'm fine for now.† Dimitri glanced over at her. â€Å"You want me to go with you?† â€Å"And keep you up all night?† Tasha shook her head. â€Å"I wouldn't do that to you, Dimka.† â€Å"He doesn't mind,† I said quickly, excited about this solution. Dimitri seemed amused by me speaking for him, but he didn't contradict me. â€Å"I really don't.† She hesitated. â€Å"All right. But we should probably go soon.† Our illicit party dispersed. The Moroi went one direction; Dimitri and I went another. He and Tasha made plans to meet up in a half hour. â€Å"So what do you think of her?† he asked when we were alone. â€Å"I like her. She's cool.† I thought about her for a moment. â€Å"And I get what you mean about the marks.† â€Å"Oh?† I nodded, watching my footing as we walked along the paths. Even when salted and shoveled, they could still collect hidden patches of ice. â€Å"She didn't do what she did for glory. She did it because she had to. Just like†¦just like my mom did.† I hated to admit it, but it was true. Janine Hathaway might be the worst mother ever, but she was a great guardian. â€Å"The marks don't matter. Molnijas or scars.† â€Å"You're a fast learner,† he said with approval. I swelled under his praise. â€Å"Why does she call you Dimka?† He laughed softly. I'd heard a lot of his laughter tonight and decided I'd like to hear more of it. â€Å"It's a nickname for Dimitri.† â€Å"That doesn't make any sense. It doesn't sound anything like Dimitri. You should be called, I don't know, Dimi or something.† â€Å"That's not how it works in Russian,† he said. â€Å"Russian's weird,† In Russian, the nickname for Vasilisa was Vasya, which made no sense to me. â€Å"So is English.† I gave him a sly look. â€Å"If you'd teach me to swear in Russian, I might have a new appreciation for it.† â€Å"You swear too much already.† â€Å"I just want to express myself.† â€Å"Oh, Roza†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He sighed, and I felt a thrill tickle me. â€Å"Roza† was my name in Russian. He rarely used it. â€Å"You express yourself more than anyone else I know.† I smiled and walked on a bit without saying anything else. My heart skipped a beat, I was so happy to be around him. There was something warm and right about us being together. Even as I floated along, my mind churned over something else that I'd been thinking about. â€Å"You know, there's something funny about Tasha's scars.† â€Å"What's that?† he asked. â€Å"The scars†¦they mess up her face,† I began slowly. I was having trouble putting my thoughts into words. â€Å"I mean, it's obvious she used to be really pretty. But even with the scars now †¦ I don't know. She's pretty in a different way. It's like†¦like they're part of her. They complete her.† It sounded silly, but it was true. Dimitri didn't say anything, but he gave me a sidelong glance. I returned it, and as our eyes met, I saw the briefest glimpse of the old attraction. It was fleeting and gone too soon, but I'd seen it. Pride and approval replaced it, and they were almost as good. When he spoke, it was to echo his earlier thoughts. â€Å"You're a fast learner, Roza.†

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Visa para jóvenes para trabajar como staff campamento

Visa para jà ³venes para trabajar como staff campamento Una de las mejores opciones para jà ³venes para trabajar  en Estados Unidos y practicar inglà ©s con una visa de intercambio J-1 en el programa de staff de un campamento de verano. En este artà ­culo se explican cules son los requisitos para disfrutar de esta oportunidad de trabajar como monitor (staff) en un campamento de verano, cules son las precauciones que deben tomarse para evitar problemas migratorios y cules son otras posibles opciones en programas similares.  ¿Quià ©nes Pueden Aplicar Por Visa J-1 Para Trabajar Como Staff de Campamento? Pueden trabajar en campamentos de verano como staff los extranjeros con una visa J-1 de intercambio los extranjeros que viven habitualmente fuera de Estados Unidos y  que reà ºnan todos los requerimientos siguientes: Tener al menos los 18 aà ±os cumplidosSer estudiante universitario o de un programa acadà ©mico semejante. O ser un trabajador joven o un maestro o una persona adulta con habilidades adecuadas para este trabajo  Tener conocimientos de inglà ©s suficientes para poder supervisar y relacionarse con adolescentes y nià ±os americanos Pasos  Para Trabajar Como Monitor de Campamento en USA Antes de pedir  esta modalidad de la visa J-1 de intercambio en la Embajada o consulado que corresponda es necesario encontrar un patrocinador para ese trabajo. Para ello hay que contactar con una de las organizaciones autorizadas por el Departamento de Estado para patrocinar  extranjeros para este programa.   Este es el listado de organizaciones designadas para patrocinar. Encontrars el nombre de la organizacià ³n, pgina web, su ubicacià ³n (ciudad y estado) y nà ºmero de telà ©fono. Puedes contactar a los que quieras y es posible que tengan un colaborador en tu paà ­s. Pero verifà ­calo por correo electrà ³nico o por telà ©fono con la organizacià ³n en Estados Unidos. Cuando una de estas organizaciones decida patrocinar  te enviar un documento que se conoce con el nombre DS-2019. A  partir de lo  cual puedes iniciar a tramitar la visa por internet llenando el formulario DS-160 y pagando la cuota correspondiente. Y sà ³lo ms tarde tendrs que ir al consulado o a la Embajada a la entrevista.   Si tu solicitud es aprobada, se te dar la visa. Si la solicitud es negada no podrs recuperar el dinero pagado al aplicar por el visado. Cà ³mo Evitar Problemas Migratorios Con Visa de Intercambio Aà ºn cuando se te entregue la visa, no puedes utilizarla para ingresar a Estados Unidos sino hasta que falten 30 dà ­as o menos para la iniciacià ³n del programa de campamento en el que se va a participar. La fecha exacta de comienzo es la que establece el documento DS-2019 que te entregà ³ la institucià ³n que te patrocina. Una vez que finaliza el programa tienes 30 dà ­as para salir de Estados Unidos. A menos que hayas pedido a tiempo una extensià ³n y se haya aprobado. Otros Programas de Intercambio J-1 Que Quiz Te Puedan Interesar Si eres joven y buscas mejorar tu inglà ©s y conocer Estados Unidos y la cultura americana de primera mano puede que te interesen programas similares al de monitor de campamento y que tambià ©n requieren de una visa J-1, puede que consideres de interà ©s los siguientes programas. Por ejemplo, la visa para  trabajar  y viajar en verano, tambià ©n conocida como SWT, por sus siglas en inglà ©s, o la de  Au-pair, tambià ©n conocido en algunos paà ­ses como nià ±era o canguro. Finalmente, los muchachos que han finalizado sus estudios universitarios pueden estar interesados en programas de prcticas profesionales, que estn disponibles para distintos campos de trabajo, como salud, arquitectura, arte, ciencias, etc. Es muy importante entender que cada programa dentro de la visa J-1 tiene sus propias reglas. De hecho, pueden tener requisitos muy diferentes. Lo fundamental es cumplir con los requerimientos del programa al que se aplica. Las Visas de Estudiantes Como una Excelente Opcià ³n Para Jà ³venes Para los muchachos interesados en estudiar en Estados Unidos estn a su disposicià ³n las visas F-1 para estudiantes de idiomas o en instituciones acadà ©micas  y las visas M-1 para estudios vocacionales o en escuelas no acadà ©micas. Adems, para los mexicanos y canadienses transfronterizos est a su disposicià ³n la visa F-3. En la actualidad Estados Unidos es el paà ­s del mundo con mayor nà ºmero de estudiantes internacionales. Los 3 estados preferidos de los alumnos internacionales son, por orden de mayor a menor, California, Nueva York y Texas. En cuanto a las universidades ms populares son New York University, University of South California y Columbia University. Para los que desean estudiar en una universidad estadounidense, sin duda el primer paso es hacerse una idea completa de los requisitos que se necesitan para aplicar con à ©xito a la institucià ³n elegida. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Finding Chi-Square Functions in Excel

Finding Chi-Square Functions in Excel Statistics is a subject with a number of probability distributions and formulas. Historically many of the calculations involving these formulas were quite tedious. Tables of values were generated for some of the more commonly used distributions and most textbooks still print excerpts of these tables in appendices. Although it is important to understand the conceptual framework that works behind the scenes for a particular table of values, quick and accurate results require the use of statistical software. There are a number of statistical software packages. One that is commonly used for calculations at the introductory is Microsoft Excel. Many distributions are programmed into Excel. One of these is the chi-square distribution. There are several Excel functions that use the chi-square distribution. Details of Chi-square Before seeing what Excel can do, let’s remind ourselves about some details concerning the chi-square distribution. This is a probability distribution that is asymmetric and highly skewed to the right. Values for the distribution are always nonnegative. There is actually an infinite number of chi-square distributions. The one in particular that we are interested in is determined by the number of degrees of freedom that we have in our application. The greater the number of degrees of freedom, the less skewed our chi-square distribution will be. Use of Chi-square A chi-square distribution  is used for several applications. These include: Chi-square test- To determine if the levels of two categorical variables are independent of one another.Goodness of fit test- To determine how well-observed values of a single categorical variable match with values expected by a theoretical model.Multinomial Experiment- This is a specific use of a chi-square test. All of these applications require us to use a chi-square distribution. Software is indispensable for calculations concerning this distribution. CHISQ.DIST and CHISQ.DIST.RT in Excel There are several functions in Excel that we can use when dealing with chi-square distributions. The first of these is CHISQ.DIST( ). This function returns the left-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution indicated. The first argument of the function is the observed value of the chi-square statistic. The second argument is the number of degrees of freedom. The third argument is used to obtain a cumulative distribution. Closely related to CHISQ.DIST is CHISQ.DIST.RT( ). This function returns the right-tailed probability of the selected chi-squared distribution. The first argument is the observed value of the chi-square statistic, and the second argument is the number of degrees of freedom. For example, entering CHISQ.DIST(3, 4, true) into a cell will output 0.442175. This means that for the chi-square distribution with four degrees of freedom, 44.2175% of the area under the curve lies to the left of 3. Entering CHISQ.DIST.RT(3, 4 ) into a cell will output 0.557825. This means that for the chi-square distribution with four degrees of freedom, 55.7825% of the area under the curve lies to the right of 3. For any values of the arguments, CHISQ.DIST.RT(x, r) 1 – CHISQ.DIST(x, r, true). This is because the part of the distribution that does not lie to the left of a value x must lie to the right. CHISQ.INV Sometimes we start with an area for a particular chi-square distribution. We wish to know what value of a statistic we would need in order to have this area to the left or the right of the statistic. This is an inverse chi-square problem and is helpful when we want to know the critical value for a certain level of significance. Excel handles this sort of problem by using an inverse chi-square function. The function CHISQ.INV returns the inverse of the left tailed probability for a chi-square distribution with specified degrees of freedom. The first argument of this function is the probability to the left of the unknown value. The second argument is the number of degrees of freedom. Thus, for example, entering CHISQ.INV(0.442175, 4) into a cell will give an output of 3. Note how this is the inverse of the calculation we looked at earlier concerning the CHISQ.DIST function. In general, if P CHISQ.DIST(x, r), then x CHISQ.INV( P, r). Closely related to this is the CHISQ.INV.RT function. This is the same as CHISQ.INV, with the exception that it deals with right-tailed probabilities. This function is particularly helpful in determining the critical value for a given chi-square test. All we need to do is to enter the level of significance as our right-tailed probability, and the number of degrees of freedom. Excel 2007 and Earlier Earlier versions of Excel use slightly different functions to work with chi-square. Previous versions of Excel only had a function to directly calculate right-tailed probabilities. Thus CHIDIST corresponds with the newer CHISQ.DIST.RT, In a similar way, CHIINV corresponds to CHI.INV.RT.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Biography of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Unifier of Japan

Biography of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Unifier of Japan Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1539–September 18, 1598) was the leader of Japan who reunified the country after 120 years of political fragmentation. During his rule, known as the Momoyama or Peach Mountain age, the country was united as a more-or-less peaceful federation of 200 independent daimyo (great lords), with himself as an imperial regent. Fast Facts: Toyotomi Hideyoshi Known For: Ruler of Japan, reunified the countryBorn: 1536 in Nakamura, Owari Province, JapanParents: Farmer and part-time soldier Yaemon and his wifeDied: September 18, 1598 at Fushimi castle, KyotoEducation: Trained as a military aide to Matsushita Yukitsana (1551–1558), then with Oda Nobunaga (1558–1582)Published Works: The Tensho-ki, a biography he commissionedSpouse(s): Chacha (principal concubine and mother of his children)Children: Tsurumatsu (1580–1591), Toyotomi Hideyori (1593–1615) Early Life Toyotomi Hideyoshi was born in 1536, in Nakamura, Owari Province, Japan.  He was the second child of Yaemon, a peasant farmer and part-time soldier for the Oda clan, who died in 1543  when the boy was 7 years old and his sister was about 10. Hideyoshi’s mother soon remarried. Her new husband also served Oda Nobuhide, the daimyo of the Owari region, and she had another son and daughter. Hideyoshi was small for his age and skinny. His parents sent him to a temple to get an education, but the boy ran away seeking adventure. In 1551, he joined the service of Matsushita Yukitsuna, a retainer of the powerful Imagawa family in Totomi province. This was unusual because both Hideyoshi’s father and his stepfather had served the Oda clan. Joining Oda Hideyoshi returned home in 1558 and offered his service to Oda Nobunaga, son of the daimyo. At the time, the Imagawa clans army of 40,000 was invading Owari, Hideyoshi’s home province. Hideyoshi took a huge gamble- the Oda army numbered only about 2,000.  In 1560, the Imagawa and Oda armies met in battle at Okehazama.  Oda Nobunaga’s tiny force ambushed the Imagawa troops in a driving rainstorm and scored an incredible victory, driving the invaders away. Legend says that 24-year-old Hideyoshi served in this battle as Nobunaga’s sandal-bearer. However, Hideyoshi does not appear in Nobunaga’s surviving writings until the early 1570s. Promotion Six years later, Hideyoshi led a raid that captured Inabayama Castle for the Oda clan. Oda Nobunaga rewarded him by making him a general. In 1570, Nobunaga attacked his brother-in-law’s castle, Odani. Hideyoshi led the first three detachments of one thousand samurai each against the well-fortified castle. Nobunaga’s army used the devastating new technology of firearms, rather than horse-mounted swordsmen. Muskets are not much use against castle walls, however, so Hideyoshi’s section of the Oda army settled in for a siege. By 1573, Nobunagas troops had defeated all of its enemies in the area. For his part, Hideyoshi received the daimyo-ship of three regions within Omi Province. By 1580, Oda Nobunaga had consolidated power in over 31 of Japans 66 provinces. Upheaval In 1582, Nobunagas general Akechi Mitsuhide turned his army against his lord, attacking and overrunning Nobunagas castle. Nobunagas diplomatic machinations had caused the hostage-murder of Mitsuhides mother.  Mitsuhide forced Oda Nobunaga and his eldest son to commit seppuku. Hideyoshi captured one of Mitsuhides messengers and learned of Nobunagas death the next day. He and other Oda generals, including Tokugawa Ieyasu, raced to avenge their lords death. Hideyoshi caught up with Mitsuhide first, defeating and killing him at the Battle of Yamazaki just 13 days after Nobunagas death. A succession fight erupted in the Oda clan. Hideyoshi supported Nobunagas grandson Oda Hidenobu. Tokugawa Ieyasu preferred the oldest remaining son Oda Nobukatsu. Hideyoshi prevailed, installing Hidenobu as the new Oda daimyo. Throughout 1584, Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu engaged in intermittent skirmishes, none decisive. At the Battle of Nagakute, Hideyoshis troops were crushed, but Ieyasu lost three of his top generals. After eight months of this costly fighting, Ieyasu sued for peace. Hideyoshi now controlled 37 provinces. In conciliation, Hideyoshi distributed lands to his defeated foes in the Tokugawa and Shibata clans. He also granted lands to Samboshi and Nobutaka. This was a clear signal that he was taking power in his own name. Hideyoshi Reunifies Japan In 1583, Hideyoshi began construction on Osaka Castle, a symbol of his power and intent to rule all of Japan. Like Nobunaga, he refused the title of Shogun. Some courtiers doubted a farmer’s son could legally claim that title. Hideyoshi circumvented the potentially embarrassing debate by taking the title of kampaku, or regent, instead.  Hideyoshi then ordered the dilapidated Imperial Palace restored, and offered gifts of money to the cash-strapped imperial family. Hideyoshi also decided to bring the southern island of Kyushu under his authority. This island was home to the primary trading ports through which goods from China, Korea, Portugal, and other nations made their way into Japan. Many of the daimyo of Kyushu had converted to Christianity under the influence of Portuguese traders and Jesuit missionaries. Some had been converted by force, and Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines were destroyed. In November 1586, Hideyoshi sent a huge invasion force to Kyushu, totaling some 250,000 troops. A number of local daimyo rallied to his side as well, so it did not take long for the massive army to crush all resistance. As usual, Hideyoshi confiscated all of the land and then returned smaller portions to his defeated foes and rewarded his allies with much larger fiefdoms. He also ordered the expulsion of all Christian missionaries on Kyushu. The final reunification campaign took place in 1590. Hideyoshi sent another huge army, probably more than 200,000 men, to conquer the mighty Hojo clan, which ruled the area around Edo (now Tokyo).  Ieyasu and Oda Nobukatsu led the army, joined by a naval force to bottle up the Hojo resistance from the sea. The defiant daimyo Hojo Ujimasa withdrew to Odawara Castle and settled in to wait out Hideyoshi. After six months, Hideyoshi sent in Ujimasas brother to ask for the Hojo daimyos surrender. He refused, and Hideyoshi launched a three-day, all-out attack on the castle. Ujimasa finally sent his son to surrender the castle. Hideyoshi ordered Ujimasa to commit seppuku. He confiscated the domains  and sent Ujimasas son and brother into exile. The great Hojo clan was obliterated. Hideyoshis Reign In 1588, Hideyoshi forbade all Japanese citizens besides samurai from owning weapons. This Sword Hunt angered farmers and warrior-monks, who traditionally had kept weapons and participated in wars and rebellions. Hideyoshi wanted to clarify the boundaries between the various social classes in Japan  and to prevent uprisings by the monks and peasants. Three years later, Hideyoshi issued another order forbidding anyone from hiring ronin, the wandering samurai with no masters. Towns also were barred from allowing farmers to become traders or craftsmen. The Japanese social order was to be set in stone. If you were born a farmer, you died a farmer. If you were a samurai born into the service of a particular daimyo, there you stayed. Hideyoshi himself rose from the peasant class to become kampaku. Nonetheless, this hypocritical order helped to usher in a centuries-long era of peace and stability. In order to keep the daimyo in check, Hideyoshi ordered them to send their wives and children to the capital city as hostages. The daimyo themselves would spend alternating years in their fiefs and in the capital. This system, called sankin kotai or alternate attendance, was codified in 1635 and continued until 1862. Finally, Hideyoshi also ordered a nationwide population census  and a survey of all the lands. It measured not only the exact sizes of the different domains  but also the relative fertility and expected crop yield. All of this information was key for setting taxation rates. Succession Problems Hideyoshis only children were two boys, from his principal concubine Chacha (also known as Yodo-dono or Yodo-gimi), the daughter of Oda Nobunagas sister. In 1591, Hideyoshis only son, a toddler named Tsurumatsu, suddenly died, followed soon by Hideyoshis half-brother Hidenaga. The kampaku adopted Hidenagas son Hidetsugu as his heir. In 1592, Hideyoshi became the taiko or retired regent, while Hidetsugu took the title of kampaku. This retirement was in name only, however- Hideyoshi maintained his hold on power. The following year, however, Hideyoshis concubine Chacha gave birth to a new son. This baby, Hideyori, represented a serious threat to Hidetsugu. Hideyoshi had a substantial force of bodyguards posted to protect the child from any attack by his uncle. Hidetsugu developed a bad reputation across the country as a cruel and blood-thirsty man. He was known to drive out into the countryside with his musket and shoot down farmers in their fields just for practice. He also played executioner, relishing the job of chopping up convicted criminals with his sword. Hideyoshi could not tolerate this dangerous and unstable man, who posed an obvious threat to the baby Hideyori. In 1595, he accused Hidetsugu of plotting to overthrow him and ordered him to commit seppuku. Hidetsugus head was displayed on the city walls after his death. Shockingly, Hideyoshi also ordered Hidetsugus wives, concubines, and children all to be brutally executed except for a one-month-old daughter. This excessive cruelty was not an isolated incident in Hideyoshis later years. He also ordered his friend and tutor, the tea-ceremony master Rikyu, to commit seppuku at the age of 69 in 1591. In 1596, he ordered the crucifixion of six shipwrecked Spanish Franciscan missionaries, three Japanese Jesuits, and 17 Japanese Christians at Nagasaki. Invasions of Korea Throughout the late 1580s and early 1590s, Hideyoshi sent a number of emissaries to King Seonjo of Korea, demanding safe passage through the country for the Japanese army. Hideyoshi informed the Joseon king that he intended to conquer Ming China and India. The Korean ruler made no reply to these messages. In February 1592, 140,000 Japanese army troops arrived in an armada of some 2,000 boats and ships. It attacked Busan, in southeastern Korea.  In weeks, the Japanese advanced to the capital city of Seoul. King Seonjo and his court fled north, leaving the capital to be burned and looted. By July, the Japanese held Pyeongyang as well. The battle-hardened samurai troops cut through the Korean defenders like a sword through butter, to China’s concern. The land war went Hideyoshis way, but Korean naval superiority made life difficult for the Japanese. The Korean fleet had better weaponry and more experienced sailors. It also had a secret weapon- the iron-clad turtle ships, which were nearly invulnerable to Japans underpowered naval cannon. Cut off from their food and ammunition supplies, the Japanese army got bogged down in the mountains of northern Korea. Korean Admiral Yi Sun Shin scored a devastating victory over Hideyoshis navy at the Battle of Hansan-do on August 13, 1592. Hideyoshi ordered his remaining ships to cease engagements with the Korean navy.  In January 1593, the Wanli Emperor of China sent 45,000 troops to reinforce the beleaguered Koreans. Together, the Koreans and Chinese pushed Hideyoshis army out of Pyeongyang. The Japanese were pinned down and with their navy unable to deliver supplies, they began to starve.  In mid-May1593, Hideyoshi relented and ordered his troops home to Japan. He did not give up his dream of a mainland empire, however. In August 1597, Hideyoshi sent a second invasion force against Korea. This time, however, the Koreans and their Chinese allies were better prepared. They stopped the Japanese army short of Seoul and forced them back toward Busan in a slow, grinding drive. Meanwhile, Admiral Yi set out to crush Japans rebuilt naval forces once more. Death Hideyoshis grand imperial scheme came to an end on September 18, 1598, when the taiko died. On his deathbed, Hideyoshi repented sending his army into this Korean quagmire. He said, Dont let my soldiers become spirits in a foreign land. Hideyoshis biggest concern as he lay dying, however, was the fate of his heir. Hideyori was only 5 years old and unable to assume his fathers powers, so Hideyoshi set up the Council of Five Elders to rule as his regents until he came of age. This council included Tokugawa Ieyasu, Hideyoshi’s one-time rival. The old taiko extracted vows of loyalty to his little son from a number of other senior daimyo and sent precious gifts of gold, silk robes, and swords to all the important political players. He also made personal appeals to the Council members to protect and serve Hideyori faithfully. Hideyoshis Legacy The Council of Five Elders kept the taikos death a secret for several months while they withdrew the Japanese army from Korea. With that piece of business complete, though, the council broke down into two opposing camps. On one side was Tokugawa Ieyasu. On the other were the remaining four elders. Ieyasu wanted to take power for himself. The others supported little Hideyori. In 1600, the two forces came to blows in the Battle of Sekigahara. Ieyasu prevailed  and declared himself shogun. Hideyori was confined to Osaka Castle. In 1614, the 21-year-old Hideyori began to gather soldiers, preparing to challenge Tokugawa Ieyasu. Ieyasu launched the Siege of Osaka in November, forcing him to disarm and sign a peace pact. The next spring, Hideyori tried again to gather troops. The Tokugawa army launched an all-out attack on Osaka Castle, reducing sections to rubble with their cannon and setting the castle on fire. Hideyori and his mother committed seppuku. His 8-year-old son was captured by the Tokugawa forces and beheaded. That was the end of the Toyotomi clan. The Tokugawa shoguns would rule Japan until the Meiji Restoration of 1868. Although his lineage did not survive, Hideyoshis influence on Japanese culture and politics was enormous. He solidified the class structure, unified the nation under central control, and popularized cultural practices such as the tea ceremony. Hideyoshi finished the unification begun by his lord, Oda Nobunaga, setting the stage for the peace and stability of the Tokugawa Era. Sources Berry, Mary Elizabeth. Hideyoshi. Cambridge: The Harvard University Press, 1982.  Hideyoshi, Toyotomi. 101 Letters of Hideyoshi: The Private Correspondence of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Sophia University, 1975.Turnbull, Stephen. Toyotomi Hideyoshi: Leadership, Strategy, Conflict. Osprey Publishing, 2011.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Sino-American relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sino-American relationship - Essay Example Due to this common interest, United States is facing challenges in Eastern Asia. The United States, by applying proper methodology, can still be able to consolidate stable Sino-American relations. This can be attained by concentrating on issues such as; This serves to reduce suspicions of the different parties’ strategic intentions and creates a way for development due to the good relationship established between the two nations. Moreover, cooperation on a variety of specific bilateral and international issues of utmost importance to both sides is ensured. Deep suspicions of the other parties long-term strategic intentions are reduced thus creating confidence between the two parties. (Hiebert, 2009) The US support for Southeast Asia’s economic integration and the process of strengthening regional trade and creation of investment structures will bring about increased chances for U.S. exports to the area and thus improving the status of the people in the region. Creation of economic ties will in return deal with the challenge of smooth development of bilateral relations resulted by the sharp differences the two countries have in relation to trade and human rights. The challenge of cross-strait relation which brings about tension and disagreement between the U.S and China is therefore reduced as a result of mutual understanding as a result of the trading activities (Hiebert, 2009).

Edgar Allan Poe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Edgar Allan Poe - Essay Example As Quinn (119) states, at the age of 18 Poe joined the United States army claiming that he was 22 years old and served there for two years. He released his first book of poetry named ‘Tamerlane and Other Poems’, relying on his salaries from the army. However the book got little noticed in the market. Frank (5) illustrates Poe’s biography that in 1829 when he was 20 years old, Poe enlisted in the west point military academy but unfortunately got dismissed just after one year; again in 1831 he moved to Baltimore where his aunt Eliza Clemm had lived. From there, he fell in love with his young cousin Virginia whom he married later. This marriage and thereby increased family obligations influenced him to think about a new income source. In 1833 he won a contest for his story ‘MS found in a Battle’. As described in the article ‘Edgar Allan Poe’ on , Poe enthusiastically accepted the post of an editor as well as contributor of the Southern Literary Messenger. Subsequently, he worked with other publications such as Gentleman’s Magazine, Graham’s Magazine, Evening Mirror and Godey’s Lady’s Book; and it was the starting point of his career as an appreciated critic and essayist.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Introduction to the Universe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Introduction to the Universe - Essay Example Scientists use these properties to deduce the internal structure of the earth. The study of the interior of the earth uses seismic waves. They are P-waves and S-waves. P-waves are longitudinal and, thus, they can travel through solids and liquids. S-waves are transverse. Thus, they can only travel through solids. P-waves also travel faster than S-waves. Geologists use these properties to study the internal structure of the earth. When the seismic waves pass through different layers, they get refracted. The same waves undergo reflection when they hit hard surfaces at certain angles. Seismometers located at various parts of the earth record the occurrence and properties of the seismic waves. The data can then be analyzed to ascertain the properties of the elements of the earth’s interior. In the analysis, the data recorded by seismometers is used to determine the distribution of P-waves and S-waves. In a region where the seismometers detect P-waves but not S-waves, it can be inferred that molten materials must have intercepted the S-waves. Thus, geologist s use known properties of waves to study the internal structure of the earth ( Atoms have negative electrons that orbit around a nucleus that is positively charged. The nucleus has electrically neutral neutrons and positively charged protons. An atom has equal protons in the nucleus as the number of orbiting electrons. An atom in such a state is said to be electrically neutral. The protons determine the element that the atom represents. Bohr’s atom model was an early attempt that explained how atoms produce absorption and emission line spectra. An atom’s normal condition is when it possesses minimum energy at ground state. An orbiting electron can escape from the atom when given enough energy that is then termed as ionized. An atom can also absorb an atom from neighboring atoms. Between the atom and ion states, the electron

The Meanings of peace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Meanings of peace - Essay Example issues, Barash and Webel (5-6), indicate peace is not just the nonexistence of violence, but also the existence of tolerance and harmony across different ethnicities and economic classes. Further, there is logic of forbearance in international affairs for the attainment of true harmony in global society. By indicating that Violence becomes connected to harmony at an early level, since basically; it is shaped by the nature of an authority. Harmony develops, thanks to individual modifications of power structures (Barash and Webel 6-11). The meaning of â€Å"war and peace are two ends of a continuum† (Barash and Webel 10) implies conflict is a likely result of the idea of peace that is common in the mainstream society. This implies peace as lack of violence. Further, it is a fact, long believed in peace findings and conflict issues. In view of this, satisfaction with the mere lack of â€Å"concrete† violence falls short of the beliefs of peace and serves successfully to conceal cruelty that is executed at a more profound level. The authors designated this profound conflict that is an essential part of the general order as some sort of structural hostility. The existence of a voiceless society is mistakenly interpreted as a tranquil society. Structural violence is believed in everyday existence, roughly as normal as it is in the current world. This invisible cruelty is established by an extensive arrangement of triggering factors in society that affect the generation of multiple forms of disparity (Bara sh and Webel 9). According to Barash, and Webel (7), being concerned with this hostility is a condition that may be systemically generated. By saying negative peace means the â€Å"absence of war† (Barash and Webel 7), it simply implies absolute peace. Conversely, positive peace means the concealment of the prevailing hostility (Barash and Webel 7-8). Furthermore, this is an idea of conflict linked to peace, and harmony as lack of hostility, which describes the influence

Thursday, October 17, 2019

LinkedIN Case Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

LinkedIN Case - Research Paper Example Again in the year 2008, the company adopted another strategy in order to provide active support to its worldwide users through collaborating with another popular networking website named Facebook under one common platform. Through the execution of this particular strategy, the company became much successful in showcasing various quality and effective applications that eventually attracted huge figure of users towards accessing the website (Yoffie, Slind and Achsaf 1-23). The success factors of the company, since the year of its inception are quite clear with apparent reasons. In this regard, the immense success of the company in the global market in a short span of time is largely owing to the stern approach made by the company towards ensuring a better professional interrelation and growth for every user. The prime intent of LinkediN can be viewed to provide advices to the users regarding their professional development such as seeking for good jobs. Moreover, the approach of the com pany towards providing greater value to its users further supported to attain immense success over several years (Yoffie, Slind and Achsaf 1-23). However, there are certain threats or risks that are inherent in the current strategies that execute by LinkedIn, hindering the growth of the company by a certain degree. Owing to its various predetermined strategies, LinkedIn mainly targets both companies and individuals as their customers. This might create immense risk for the company, as organizations become much unenthusiastic to work with the networks that have the association of external users. Hence, this sort of risk imposes unfavorable impact on the efficiency of the current strategies that execute by the company (Yoffie, Slind and Achsaf 1-23). QUESTION 2) A) With different approaches, LinkedIn has shown its limits of performing operational functions within a closed platform. Owing to the limits, the users of the company were unable to transfer their profile data to other sites. Additionally, the users were also unable to communicate with the users of other networks. Being on the walled garden i.e. closed platform, the users of the company were able to connect with people from other networks only by directly visiting to the company website and remaining much connected with the individuals belonging to other networks. With the help of this platform i.e. ‘The Walled Garden’, the company was able to control as well as to manage professional based networking activities of the users at large. On the other hand, open platform will enable LinkedIn to enhance its ability in integrating multiple systems. This will certainly allow the users to acquire their required information more easily. An open platform depicts that the company will get a wider user base for its network, further resulting in creating better solutions for solving problems. However, an open platform tends to augment complications in using the networks, which is an unfavorable prospect for both the users and the company itself (Yoffie, Slind and Achsaf 1-23). Hence, analyzing the advantages along with the disadvantages of both the platforms, it can be stated the company should go for open platform and expand its operations. QUESTION 2) B) It has been apparently observed that the popularity and the success of LinkedIn over the years are due to its unique offering of professional services to the users. However, with the appearance of various sites associated with social website like Facebook, the

Undecided Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Undecided - Essay Example s their major differences are concerned, it is worth noting that the color, genetic make-up, function, lifespan, fur, and flexibility are major factors. Therefore, this paper highlights the major differences and similarities between the behaviors of a donkey and a horse. Despite the fact that both donkeys and horses are domestic animals commonly known as ‘beasts of burden,’ it is important to note that they exhibit similar social behavior, especially when it comes to cooperation with human beings. In essence, human beings tame both animals so that they can help humans in performing certain task that humans alone cannot handle. They both respond well to human instructions they will handle any turf task before them as long as they remain well fed. In this respect, it is critical to note that both donkeys and horses can be used to transport goods and human beings, or they can even haul heavy loads for human beings. Perhaps the only difference between the two animals in this respect is that one is faster than the other is. Perhaps the major behavioral difference between a donkey and a horse lies in their perception and response to danger or threat. As for the horse, speed is the ultimate way of escaping from any real or perceived danger or threat. Indeed, a horse will not give a second thought to any object that poses a threat to its life. It is especially swift to flee besides its significant speed over long distances. On the other hand, a donkey is usually stubborn to threats and it will prefer to face the threat before thinking of an alternative course of action. It means that a donkey is more likely to suffer harm than a horse due to its attitude towards danger. When the two animals are in combat with their ‘enemy,’ a horse prefers the hind kicks while a donkey will throw hind kicks in addition to bites. Lastly but more importantly, donkeys and horses make different sounds, although the sounds may have some similarities, especially to an inattentive ear.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

LinkedIN Case Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

LinkedIN Case - Research Paper Example Again in the year 2008, the company adopted another strategy in order to provide active support to its worldwide users through collaborating with another popular networking website named Facebook under one common platform. Through the execution of this particular strategy, the company became much successful in showcasing various quality and effective applications that eventually attracted huge figure of users towards accessing the website (Yoffie, Slind and Achsaf 1-23). The success factors of the company, since the year of its inception are quite clear with apparent reasons. In this regard, the immense success of the company in the global market in a short span of time is largely owing to the stern approach made by the company towards ensuring a better professional interrelation and growth for every user. The prime intent of LinkediN can be viewed to provide advices to the users regarding their professional development such as seeking for good jobs. Moreover, the approach of the com pany towards providing greater value to its users further supported to attain immense success over several years (Yoffie, Slind and Achsaf 1-23). However, there are certain threats or risks that are inherent in the current strategies that execute by LinkedIn, hindering the growth of the company by a certain degree. Owing to its various predetermined strategies, LinkedIn mainly targets both companies and individuals as their customers. This might create immense risk for the company, as organizations become much unenthusiastic to work with the networks that have the association of external users. Hence, this sort of risk imposes unfavorable impact on the efficiency of the current strategies that execute by the company (Yoffie, Slind and Achsaf 1-23). QUESTION 2) A) With different approaches, LinkedIn has shown its limits of performing operational functions within a closed platform. Owing to the limits, the users of the company were unable to transfer their profile data to other sites. Additionally, the users were also unable to communicate with the users of other networks. Being on the walled garden i.e. closed platform, the users of the company were able to connect with people from other networks only by directly visiting to the company website and remaining much connected with the individuals belonging to other networks. With the help of this platform i.e. ‘The Walled Garden’, the company was able to control as well as to manage professional based networking activities of the users at large. On the other hand, open platform will enable LinkedIn to enhance its ability in integrating multiple systems. This will certainly allow the users to acquire their required information more easily. An open platform depicts that the company will get a wider user base for its network, further resulting in creating better solutions for solving problems. However, an open platform tends to augment complications in using the networks, which is an unfavorable prospect for both the users and the company itself (Yoffie, Slind and Achsaf 1-23). Hence, analyzing the advantages along with the disadvantages of both the platforms, it can be stated the company should go for open platform and expand its operations. QUESTION 2) B) It has been apparently observed that the popularity and the success of LinkedIn over the years are due to its unique offering of professional services to the users. However, with the appearance of various sites associated with social website like Facebook, the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Manage Information of Northampton Business School Essay

Manage Information of Northampton Business School - Essay Example From the report it is clear that  the database making process has been developed considering not only the problem of reduced attendance of the students but will also provide an overall view of the factors that is contributing to the reduced rate of attendance in Northampton Business School.   The database management process will be based on the relationships and attributes reflected in the Entity Relationship Model. The relationship model of the Department reflects the overall scenario that leads to the students and their attributes whereas the relationship model of students specifically focuses on the information required by the University for assessing the factors leading to the growing numbers of absentees among the students.  This discussion stresses that  the entities identified in both the relationship models are having direct or indirect relationships with the students monitoring process. Considering the overall view as provided in the relationship model with departmen t view, the entities are department, faculty, students and course whereas the specific student relationship model reflects only two entities namely, students and courses. The relationship between the entities is mostly defined by the purpose served by each entity.  The primary and foreign keys in the created models have been marked with multicoloured attributes to reflect them clearly.  The primary keys in both the models are the id numbers of the courses and the students.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Importance of National Belonging in the Development of Nation States Essay Example for Free

The Importance of National Belonging in the Development of Nation States Essay Prior to the late 19th Century Europe consisted of many small states that lacked a sense of unity. The sentiment stirred up in the wake of the French Revolution; the idea of a sovereign people with natural rights and equality appeared attractive to many of these nations. Around this time Europe saw the emergence of Nation States encompassing a people who had a shared history, culture, language, religion and beliefs. How important this sense of national belonging was is something we shall explore by looking at events in such places as Germany, Italy and France. We will decide whether it was patriotism or other factors such as warfare and the rise of industry which had the biggest parts to play on the European stage. Above we have just described the common factors which contribute to making a nation; find one territory with specific boundaries and borders and fill it with these people and you would in theory have made a nation state. However the idea of national belonging is not quite so black and white, nor so easy an idea to prove. Ernest Renan, a noted theologian seemed to realise that rules about having a shared language or shared religion were simply not realistic when taking into account minority communities and religious toleration. Instead Renan makes allowances that in some areas factors such as these would be contributory but actually in his words ‘A nation is therefore a vast solidarity, constituted by the feeling of sacrifice one has made in the past and of those that one is prepared to make in the future. Renan continues stating that it is ‘the clearly expressed desire to pursue a common life. ’ This swing towards nationalism was sparked in part by the cultural movement which followed the Enlightenment period and was known as Romanticism. An era when poetry, music and art were increasingly used to influence the nation, the movement supported ideas such as the importance of national pride giving precedence to ‘senses and emotion over reason and intellect. German artist Caspar David Friedrich captured this sentiment in his painting The Oak Tree in Snow which depicted a barren tree with new life springing from the roots symbolising a lost past with the promise of future new growth. This was particularly poignant as the Oak Tree was a symbol for German national sentiment. Similarly in Italy the poet Ugo Foscolo wrote ‘How thou art humiliated by foreigners who have the presumption to seek to master thee! But who can depict thee better than he who is destined to see hy beauty all his life long? ’ Foscolo’s argued that tourists could not appreciate the greatness of his country, only those who could share in its history can take possession of the pride that accompanies the honour of being Italian. These two examples are interesting because at the time of their publication no Germany or Italy as we know them today yet existed so this at least proves that in the minds of those living by Romanticism values at least thought that national sentiment was desperately important. In addition to the evidence of Romanticism championing the unification cause Germany and Italy shared some other similarities. Firstly, and perhaps most obviously we can tell from studying a ‘before and after’ map. In 1815 Italy was a collection of many smaller states some of which we know were controlled by the Austrian empire and Germany is a jigsaw of German speaking states. However by 1914 clear boundaries had been drawn and both territories are much more obviously defined. Also both countries contained several nationalist activist groups, some public, some as secret societies who all had the same aim of achieving unity but for different reasons and with variations on the end result. In Italy the strength of opinion was such that some organisations were willing to use violence such as in the case of the Carbonari group who proclaimed ‘He alone is worthy of life who loves his country’. Revolutionary group Young Italy was also key in generating public support for the Risorgimento (Resurrection) nationalists. Germany also contained these pressure groups and parties from both countries took part in the rebellions of 1848 and while both had some success, yet another similarity is that both were eventually beaten back in Italy by Austrian intervention and in Germany by the Prussian King Frederick William IV. The revolutions swept across much of Europe leaving thousands dead in the name of unification. This however does not necessarily mean that it was patriotism or an unqualified sense of national belonging that drove them. Other considerations included for businessmen policies for reviving trade, students were concerned about poor job prospects and a lack of social status and peasants wanted an end to the last vestiges remaining of the medieval feudal system. For the peasants at least it is most likely this was their sole motivation as the concept of nationalism would have meant little to them in their daily struggle to feed and clothe their families. Both Germany and Italy appeared to be committed to unification and key figures helped to bring this about. In Germany Gottfried Herder significantly influenced public opinion with his philosophical ideas about human nature. Herder placed huge importance on national language ‘Has a people anything dearer than the speech of its fathers? ’ He goes on to say that the culture of a people ‘thrives only by means of the nation’s inherited and inheritable dialect. ’ This idea is so fundamental to Herder’s beliefs that he says ‘no greater injury can be inflicted on a nation than to be robbed of her national character, the peculiarity of her spirit and her language’. Herder however gives little consequence to the political aspects and it is possible therefore that the changes which inevitably took place in Germany were not due to his romanticism based contributions but this does tell us how strongly he felt about the importance of national sentiment. In Italy it was figures such as Count Camillo di Cavour who propelled the unification forward but his motives were much different from that of Herder. Cavour conspired with Napoleon III of France against the Austrians which resulted in several territories becoming part of Sardinia where Cavour happened to be Prime Minister. Giuseppe Garibaldi was a respected military commander throughout this period of war whose notable success was motivated by his vision of a united Italy. Unification of both countries was hardly plain sailing and problems arose for various reasons. Italy perhaps suffered because the reason for the unification had been more political than sentimental. Massimo d’Azeglio, a pro nationalist is believed to have said ‘We have made Italy, now we have to make Italians. ’ The death of Camillo di Cavour regardless of his motives was described as ‘the architect of national unity’ and his death in 1861 was a definitive blow to the cause. Germany’s problems centralized around regional rivalries with people confused as to whether they first belonged to their region or their country, this was certainly the case with some Bavarians. It has commonly been supposed that all of the events leading to unification of countries such as Germany and Italy and the revolutions that shook Europe were triggered in France by the revolution of 1789-1799 as can be seen in this statement; ‘The French Revolution completed the nation which became one and indivisible’. Many in France had sought an end to an absolute monarchy and what was deemed an autocratic domination by the French government. Instead they hoped for a shift towards modernity where all men would be equal under the law and have no special privileges simply because one happened to be born aristocratic or have an elitist position in society. The end of feudalism and the ‘ancien’ (old) regime gave way to new ideas summarised once more by Ernest Renan ‘It is France’s glory to have proclaimed, through the French Revolution, that a nation exists by itself The principle of nationhood is ours’. It would be reasonable then to suppose that France had enjoyed great success in providing a patriotic example that other countries hoped to follow and yet once again we find resistance and also some contradictions. While some supported unity for political reasons such as in the case of the Leon Gambetta, a French statesman who supported republicanism, he said in a letter to the leader of the Breton armed forces in 1870 ‘I beg you to forget that you are Bretons, and to remember only that you are French. While a novelist later in 1884 remarked ‘the word patrie signifies nothing and stirs nothing. It exists no more in local speech than in local hearts. ’ It is hard to assimilate all the opinions and motivations for why the French either supported or rejected the idea of national belonging but it does seem that the more urbanised areas, under the direction of intellectuals, students and politicians for their own agendas were more in favour of being ‘Frenchmen’ than those who resided in more isolated, rural communities occupied mostly by peasant farmers who wanted peace not war. Peasant farmers in particular were to suffer greatly when we consider how the rise of industry commonly termed as the industrial revolution were to affect national feelings. While the ending of feudalism had allowed some peasantry to buy small patches of land, for others, some who were affected by the enclosure laws could find themselves as landless labourers unable to grow their food or gather fuel from common land. In Britain the Chartism movement of 1839 sought to represent all workers who found themselves in a piteous position uniting opinion against social injustice. We are bowed down under a load of taxes our traders are trembling on the verge of bankruptcy, our workmen are starving, capital brings no profit and labour no remuneration. ’ Chartists and their Parisian counter parts the Artisans identified themselves as socialists. Obviously this was a time of great economic change and awareness of class distinctions at the time of the industrial boom was growing. Karl Marx was a German radical whose notion of Socialism was closely linked to that of Communism which he and his colleague Frederick Engels was active in promoting. Marx was particularly concerned about the struggle of society with relevance to these class distinctions. He highlighted in his ‘The Communist Manifesto’ ‘The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles’ Marx states that the working class (proletariat) and the new middle class (bourgeoisie) are fighting these ‘class struggles’ over the means of production. He claims that the bourgeoisie exploits the proletariat and was motivated by ‘naked self-interest. He goes on to say however that the lower bourgeoisie class will also suffer as the higher middle class overtake them too. ‘Partly because their diminutive capital does not suffice for the scale on which modern industry is carried on their specialised skill is rendered worthless by new methods of production. ’ Marx’s conclusion being that eventually the middle classes and the working class would find themselves in much the same situation and have more in common. This therefore was the significant factor pointing towards nationalism and not the sense of national belonging or sentiment itself. Having considered the factors which were successful in bringing about unification it appears that political reasons had the greater impact. Cavour enjoyed success in Italy through negotiations which involved war and gaining new territory. Herder in Germany relied on sentimental and romanticism theories but Germany encountered difficulties in rallying the nation who were confused about their regional or national identity. Educated French sectors of society were enthusiastic but failed to significantly influence the peasantry while radicals like Marx renounced any importance of the idea of national belonging. Still it is impossible to ignore that there were many individuals such as Foscolo, Friedrich and Garibaldi who shared a united vision of a united country but it is unlikely that their sense of national belonging was the major significant factor in the development of nation states.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sustainable Tourism Development Of Brisbane Australia Tourism Essay

Sustainable Tourism Development Of Brisbane Australia Tourism Essay The sustainable development of tourism has become a global major task which aims at achieving the objectives of biological preservation, prevention of climate change, and natural resources conservation to ensure the long-term prosperity (Narasaiah 2004). In order to obtain the positive outcomes, its necessary to concentrate on the impacts and implications of a destinations environmental, economic and social areas (Sofield 2003). Brisbane is the capital city of the Australian state Queensland with an approximate 200 million population and its a green and diverse city with a splendid climate. It also has become one of the fastest growing economic cities and the major business hubs in Australia. Brisbanes outstanding economic performance mainly relies on its tourism-related industries (ABS 2010). A number of 5.8 million arrivals to Australia during the year ended October 2010 has increased 5% when is compared to the same period of last year. Besides, an expectation of 20 million international arrivals will be received by the year 2020. The tourism industry has played an important role in Brisbanes economy whereby it becomes the third-most popular destination after Sydney and Melbourne (TA 2010). Therefore, the sustainable tourism development is an ideal execution which is balancing the social, economic and environmental areas to ensure long-term sustainability in both mass and special interest segment of a destinations tourism industry (Black and Crabtree 2007). Sustainability of Brisbanes tourism Natural resources Being the heart of Queensland, Brisbane has the wealthy energy and water resources so that it can be able to contribute to the development and execution of sustainable energy and climate change policies to maintain adequate energy supplies for the tourism-related industries (Australian Government 2010). The beaches, mountains, rivers and bays of the city have made it a destination with lively nature. Its also rich in heritage which can simply reveal by the architecture and art of the city. However, Brisbane is now facing the problems of greenhouse gas, peak oil and climate change. It is now taking measures to enhance the energy security and manage the natural resources (BCC 2010). Hence, Australias abundant natural resources have been the key accelerator of its economic prosperity and international competitiveness. This is the reason that the sustainability is a crucial issue for both business and government in such a country with unique natural environment. Developmental strategy The Australian Tourism Board released the National long-term tourism strategy which practised the long-term policy to position the tourism industry as economically vibrant and sustainable industry in order to further its sustainable development (Australian Government 2010). The tourism industry of Australia will double over the next ten years due to the substantial growth in both nature-based tourism and ecotourism. The ecotourism is a nature-based tourism which is involving the education and explication of the natural environment so that it can be conducted to be ecologically sustainable. Its able to help Brisbanes cultural components and the ecological sustainability of natural environment to obtain opportune gaining to the local community and long-term conservation of the resources (Fennell 2003). Australia is well-known for its ecotourism after it has made the great achievements in the developments between various stakeholders which are including government, industry and community groups (TQ 2002). Brisbane is increasing the reverse and connectivity of bush land to provide extra protection of natural areas; it can also improve the carbon pollution and the climate changes (BCC 2010). Furthermore, Australia has set up the sustainable population strategy to make sure that it can reply to the variations in its population to develop a sustainable Australia. The strategy is aim at improving the present and future generations with more suitable recognitions and managements to the influence of population changes (AG 2010). It also can direct the development of principles to meet the population needs of Australias future. All of those strategies which have been mentioned above will become the strong means to ameliorate the sustainable tourism development of Brisbane. The issues of sustainable tourism development Social impacts The growing complexity of communities and the relationships between them pose significant challenges for the sustainable development of tourism (Hall and Richards 2000). For example, the Brisbane City Council has worked with the social development industry to improve the living and working environment more sustainable. It also provided the grant to encourage the sustainable tourism development in the community such as roads, buildings, green spaces, and tourist attractions of the city (BCC 2010). One of the most obvious reasons is that the growing number of population and tourists will inevitably influence the quality of local residents lives (Faulkner 2003). Brisbane is deeply concerning on the sustainable development since a growing number of domestic and foreign people like to buy their second and retired homes to spend their lives here after discovered through tourism. This may also help to conserve its heritage, culture and classical architecture in order to maintain the charms to the international market because the tourism will influence the culture and nature environment (Horner and Swarbrooke 2004). The productivity of labour plays an important role in affecting the sustainable tourism. Brisbane has developed a Multicultural Employment Infrastructure Program to assist the skilled people from high unemployment migrant into appropriate occupation of tourism industry such as hotels, restaurants, attractions, etc. and thus creating more sustainable employment outcomes for the local society (TA 2010). The sustainable development with the good encouragement can help to provide large training opportunities and great employment for the residents. The positive labour productivity growth of Australia tourism was contributed mostly by the accommodation and transport services industries from 2003 to 2009 which has been indicated in Figure 1. There is an issue that Brisbane is making efforts to dispose the gender discriminations in the tourism industry because of only 36% of female managers. The other major jobs are diminutive such as housekeeping, kitchen work, waitress, etc. and thus Brisbane is trying to improve this situation and providing better chances or conditions for the women in the tourism industry (Helium 2010). Another social issue is that the Aboriginal culture has become a tourism product due to a growing area of tourism interest after it was exposed by Australia to the international tourism market. It has enhanced the economy and improved the quality of life for the Aboriginal people. The Aboriginal culture also helps to differentiate Australia as a distinctive destination from its global competitors of the marketplace (Butler and Hinch 2007). However, the tourism will have the negative impacts on society in term of the activities of local community. The reason is that the tourism development may result in the loss of its cultural identity by playing up to the perceived demands of the tourists, especially the international markets. For example, some historical buildings in Brisbane are now facing demolition or reconstruction due to the new construction plans of city council. The community is under a debate of the purpose of these buildings and the value of attractions in the future because some local committees are trying to protect these heritage properties (Moore 2010). Hence, the local society has to always focus on not to meet the anticipated touristy ideals in order to ensure it can conserve its own culture or heritage in a right direction. Figure 1 Average annual labour productivity growth in tourism industries (%) Source: TRA 2010. Environmental impacts A destination will strengthen its policies on protecting the environment due to the rapid growth of tourism industry. However, the environmental impacts can also bring the negative outcomes to the nature-based tourism (Jafari 2000). Brisbane is now facing the worst flash floods coming from the Toowoomba city. The floods entered Brisbane with the floods level of 4.5 metres which is expected higher than 1974s peak. A large number of shops in the central business district have closed because of the floods. More than 10,000 properties and 200,000 people have been influenced in the New Year floods. Many residents and visitors are forced to evacuate out of the disaster areas. The Queensland Tourism Board mentioned that flooding and heavy rains had hit the tourism industry badly with lots of roads, rail links and airports were blocked (ABC 2011). The destination will also take actions to minimising the negative environmental impacts for the sustainable tourism development (Jafari 2000). Nowadays the Australian tourism is tending to the low carbon travel because of the carbon pollution of the country. Both locals and tourists are encouraged to experience the low-carbon vacation and lifestyle so that a lot of tour packages have been provided on village or vineyard journeys (TA 2010). Hence, Brisbane pro-actively works on sustainability positivity will be better positioned than its competitors to survive as the travellers grow more environmentally conscious in selecting their destinations. The environmental auditing is required by legislation as a self-regulative implementation which can be valuable controlling tool in order to achieve the sustainable tourism development (Jafari 2000). Being one of the largest cities of Australia, Brisbane has invested in dealing with the greenhouse gas emissions, climate changes, and use of fossil fuels. The reason is that Australia is one of the most carbon-emitting countries and thus Brisbane is taking actions to improve the environment which is affected by its growing tourism industry. It has identified that the public transports and rail freights are the key factors to handle the reduction of carbon emission; nevertheless the Australian tourism is so dependant upon its international and domestic aviation links due to its unique geography. Therefore the airline industry of Australia increased the fuel prices when the tourism was affected directly (TTF 2008). The environmental influence of tourism has also motivated the destinations to concentrate responsibly in enhancing the quality of their environments and lives (Elliott and Thomas 2009). Australia is challenged to solve the variety of environmental issues since the global community is focusing on the green tourism. Brisbane has developed the Climate Adaptation project which is aiming to set up the climate changes strategies and policies of climate adaptation to help the tourism and increase the local livelihoods through the sustainable tourism (TA 2010). This can help the city to recognise the risks of future climate change in sustainable tourism and ensure that the strategies are flexible to face the challenges within a right direction. Economic impacts Sustainable tourism is acting an important role in economic aspect of the community and global levels by minimising the negative impacts to ensure sustainable use, as well as providing sufficient tourism revenue to reinvest an affirmative segment of investments (UN 2001). The Australian tourism is acknowledged by its regional communities as a significant economic driver due to its strong competency to provide a large number of jobs and income. The total expenditure from the tourists has increased by 5% to about AU $59 billion since 2008. The state of Queensland was the highest area where the visitors spent the most to its regional tourism. Besides, Australia has created a Tourism Impact Model for local councils to operate the economic impacts of tourism and therefore it can efficiently generate the income of tourism to improve the industry (TAV 2008). The sustainable tourism development is always measuring the economic activities so that it can obtain and focus the future impacts to the industries. This has become a cardio tonic for Australian economic growth. The tourism industry has the capacity to bring grant benefits when it also has to utilise the costs on host communities. The benefits and costs of tourism are contributed equally. Instead of concentrating great efforts on advertising tourism or on measuring all of the benefits and costs, the regional development may become an effective tool to achieve larger return from the efforts that the communities are able to increase the tourisms net revenue (Moscardo 2008). Australia is applied itself to increase the tourisms net economic contribution to its economy and to foster an industry which is promoting the regulations of economic responsibility and sustainable tourism development. For instant, the state of Brisbane, Queensland has provided a Smart State program with $120 million to develop a state where knowledge and innovation drive economic growth to solve the challenges of the technology industry and improve the quality of tourism (TA 2010). Therefore, the positive economic influenc e of tourism will rely on the way it managed and planned. The tourism has to always concern on the economic areas when it is planning for the sustainable tourism because the economic issues is not only provide positive achievements but also affects the tourism negatively (Sofield 2003). The Australian dollar strengthens currently to make lots of overseas travellers who are forced to tighten their purse strings. The impact of the stronger Australia dollar will make it to become a more expensive destination for the overseas visitors. Some hotels were affected by this issue as the business of international customers dropped five percent when compared with the previous months. This also meant that the overseas travellers would spend less time in Australia. Furthermore, the impact of the flash floods in Brisbane has also caused about AU $6 billion in damage which is including the budget of reconstruction and the raise of food prices. This may affect the local business which provides the products and services to both residents and tourists, especially in hotels and restaurants. They will hardly cut down the costs to attract the domestic and international tourism (PMN 2011). Both the stronger dollar and floods impacts of tourism industry will shorten Australias economic gr owth in 2011. Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility is the persistent guarantee by business which contributes to the economic development through improving the quality of the local communities and the life of labour force. It is an effort of the companies to develop significant relationships between the corporate division and the remaining of the society (TA 2010). The Australian airline Qantas Airways Limited have announced a new three-year partnership with the tourism board to promote and strengthen Australia as a desired tourist destination through marketing campaigns, business and trade events. It will have an effective outcome due to Qantas as one of the strongest brands in Australia and being known as the worlds top long distance airline. The company has a significant strategy which is encouraging its employees to participate the Australia sustainable tourism programs to ensure that they will bring the social responsibility into their work. The programs are including the education about the link between climate changes and sustainability in business and the conservation of Australias land care. The company will awards its staffs after they have showed the proactive leadership to carry out the environmental schemes throughout the business (Qantas Airways 2010). The Qantas airline is committed to the sustainable growth of Australia in order to promote and enhance its distinctive destinations and environment. The airline spends almost AU $3 billion on the jet fuel and emits large amount of carbon and exhaust gas. Qantas has taken steps to reduce the carbon emission by signing contract with a US fuel producer Solena. They considered building a trial plant to convert waste into bio-fuel. The source of the bio-fuel includes food packaging, scraps and tree cuttings. Besides, Qantas is trying to improve its water efficiency in all aspects of its operations by investigating procedures to reduce consumption of potable water, such as use of the grey-water and aircraft wash-water recycling. The organisations target is to reduce 25% of water consumption by 2011 to foster sustainable tourism (Brisbane Times 2010). The airline will conclude a feasibility study for the waste-based of aviation fuel within one year and thus the bio-fuel will be trialled on aircrafts. The bio-fuel and the water conservation will be the key components of its environmental strategy of sustainable tourism. Moreover, Qantas has launched an annual award for those who perform excellent in Australia sustainable tourism since 2008 (Qantas Airways 2010). This award can motivate the local communities to improve the business environment of the society and thus it can help to promote the country to become one of the top sustainable tourism destinations. Australia announced that the grants of tourism development program had been provided to support the sustainable growth in the tourism industry by developing creative products and services, contributing to long-term economic development, and creating high quality visitor experiences and services. Brisbane has supported a project Brisbane Ambassadors for Life: Sustainable tourism development which is proposed by the local hospitality organisations. Its an innovative program designed to create sustainable economic value by attracting overseas students, leisure, and convention visitors to the greater Brisbane region. Some of them will become ambassadors for Brisbane in other countries, with Brisbanes sister city relationships to generate increased visitation and length of stay in Brisbane (TA 2010). Conclusion The sustainable development of Brisbanes tourism is in a steady process which is influencing to its social, economic and environmental areas because sustainable tourism is significant to Australias cultural and natural wealth. The government has provided a lot of sustainable practices to support the development of tourism and encourage both domestic and international tourists to explore the treasures of Australian tourism. This will also motivate the corporations and stakeholders to resolve the challenges and collaborate to improve the tourism industry so that it can provide the social and economic gains to the destination and survive in such a high extent of the global competition. Today, the Australian tourism is rapid growing industry which has significantly contributed to the country. It has affected the lives of communities and developed variety of sustainable programs for its tourism development. However, Brisbane is currently facing a series of problems which are including the damages of the flash floods, the raise of food prices and the carbon pollution. Especially the floods, it will cost Brisbane a large amount of funds to reconstruct the disaster areas. These critical issues will be the difficult tasks for Brisbane to settle in its sustainable development. Therefore, the measures of sustainable development will be focusing on the current consumptions of the industry in order to satisfy the needs of the future generations. Moreover, it may guide the policies as well as implementations to be a powerful tool towards the sustainable tourism of Brisbane.